Sunday 9 September 2018

What a great start to the new year we had last week!! Most of our days were spent on getting to know one another and establishing our new classroom community.  The students were eager to let me know how routines were done in their grade 2 classes and together we came up with new routines suitable for grade 3 seeing how everyone is that much more eager to accept responsibility. We kept what worked well in previous years such as raising our hands to share our thoughts in a large group but we re-vamped things such as no longer needing to line up in ABC order or needing to be assigned a hook for our school bag and jacket.

I like to read to the class while they are having their snacks. Here are the books we read. Ask your child if they can re-tell any story back to you or what was the main idea of any of these books.

In our class we make lots of mistakes and run into many problems throughout the day. We use these as learning opportunities. I ran into a problem with our pictograph anchor chart. The class respectfully helped me with my problem. Ask your child to show you all MY mistakes in the first photo and see how we fixed them all in the second photo.

A look ahead to next week........
  • Program Night is this Wednesday September 12th from 6:00 to 7:30pm. The format is a little different this year. Mrs. MacAulay will explain the new set up when we assemble together in the gym that evening. I look forward to seeing you there.
  • Agenda payment of $10 is due by September 21st via School Cash Online. The link is on the right hand side of our school website. 
  • Another form is being sent home on Monday to be filled in. The form is a blanket permission form for walking excursions off school grounds such as the Terry Fox Walk or a nature walk.
  • Terry Fox Walk will be on Friday September 28th this year. More details to come.
Have a great week. I know we will!

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Hello Everyone, Last post of the year........ In Math, our class played educational games to practise their multiplication and division fa...